Linh Thuỳ | Chat Online
21/09/2024 11:04:16

Give the correct form of verbs and words in the brackets

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Nội dung văn bản trong ảnh như sau:

V. Read the text below and look carefully. For each line, write the word in the box provided. There is an example at the beginning.

The bicycle is a cheap way to travel. The first bicycle was made about one hundred and fifty years ago. At first, bicycles were very expensive. Only rich people could buy one. These early bicycles looked very different from the ones we have them today. Later, when bicycles became cheaper, many lot people used them. People used bicycles to work and in many cities in the world now, they cycle to work. They can get wet when it rains! But some people still prefer to cycle to work. They say that there are too many cars in...

(Note: Nội dung đã được lược bỏ một phần cuối vì không rõ trong ảnh.)
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