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22/09/2024 18:20:27

Văn bản cần dịch 8. To have better job...people usually learn different useful skills. A. opportunities B. opportunity C. contents D. careers 9. When it is difficult to....what is happening in an English film, you can turn on the subtitles. A. double-check B. figure out C. make sure D. look up 10. A: B: You can read English books to learn new words. A. Why should we learn English? C. Why do you think so? B. Can you go over the new words? D. How can I improve my English? 11. If ..

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----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Văn bản cần dịch
8. To have better job...people usually learn different useful skills.
A. opportunities
B. opportunity
C. contents
D. careers
9. When it is difficult to....what is happening in an English film, you can turn on the subtitles.
A. double-check
B. figure out
C. make sure
D. look up
10. A:
B: You can read English books to learn new words.
A. Why should we learn English?
C. Why do you think so?
B. Can you go over the new words?
D. How can I improve my English?
11. If you want to remember something new, you should note…
A. across it
B. it over
C. down it
D. it down
12. you turn all the lights off before leaving the building.
A. Figure out
B. Make sure
C. Figuring out
D. Making sure
13. I use a dictionary.. look up for new words in the reading passages
A. to
B. for
C. with
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