Hoàng Linh Juliee | Chat Online
23/09/2024 21:35:16

Underline the mistake in each of the following sentences, then correct it

Exercise 2: Underline the mistake in each of the following sentences, then correct it.

1. David plays tennis very good. I really admire him. ___________

2. He has worked hardly all his life, but he cannot support his family. ___________

3. My father goes fishing one a week. ___________

4. The audience sudden became quiet after the performance. ___________

5. My sister real plays the piano well. ___________

6. I get usually very tired after a long walk in the forest. ___________

7. This sweater feels very softly. ___________

8. He raised his hands highly up so that his teacher could see him easily. ___________

9. Tony goes to America every year by plane. ___________

10. She put the glasses on the table careful. ___________

11. Of course, he was absolute right. ___________

12. I don’t like his portraits, he paints awful. ___________

13. I need my glasses, I can hard see the board. ___________

14. He broke two glasses accidental. ___________

15. My sister has worked for two years for this company. ___________

16. We were laughing happy while watching TV. ___________

17. My friend Sam tells often very strange stories. ___________

18. You shouldn’t drive so fastly - it’s dangerous! ___________

19. The children were playing last night outdoors when it began to rain very hard. ___________

20. Undouted, Linda won the first prize in English speaking contest last night. ___________


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