Ngoc Dinh | Chat Online
26/09/2024 14:50:02

These pairs of word are easily confused. Choose the best word

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. In my (leisure / leister) time, I like to read books and novels.
2. I love spending my free time (to play / playing) sports with my friends.
3. Sometimes, I want to go for a walk in the park to clear my (mind / mine).
4. It is (enjoy / enjoyable) to listen to music and discover new artists.
5. One of my favorite activities is playing video games with my (siblings / sillily).


6. I like to watch (moves / movies) and TV series during my free time.
7. Painting and drawing are some hobbies that bring me (piece / peace) and joy.
8. I enjoy writing stories and poems when I have extra (time / times).
9. Trying new (replaces / recipes) and cooking delicious meals is something I love to do in my free time.
10. Reading inspirational quotes and stories (help / helps) me stay motivated during my free time.
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