Nguyễn Gia Bảo | Chat Online
28/09/2024 07:21:10

Choose the correct words in the box and write them on the lines. My friend works as a .......... for a big company. She meets and talks to new people every day. I want to become a successful .......... one day. I will build my own company and travel around the world. My dad is a .......... He loves animals. My brother is a good .......... He has his own repair shop.. Go to the .......... to find out more about your dream job!. I didn’t get to talk to him yesterday and his .......... told me that he would be gone for a whole week

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. My friend works as a .......... for a big company. She meets and talks to new people every day.
2. I want to become a successful .......... one day. I will build my own company and travel around the world.
3. My dad is a .......... He loves animals.
4. My brother is a good .......... He has his own repair shop.
5. Go to the .......... to find out more about your dream job!
6. I didn’t get to talk to him yesterday and his .......... told me that he would be gone for a whole week.
7. Please fill in your name, age, and ..........
8. Barney is studying Chemical Engineering, and he will soon become an .......... .
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