Lê Uyển Nhi Nguyễn | Chat Online
30/09/2024 17:33:08

Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the words in the box

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the words in the box.

1. The Eagle team performed ...
2. In the countryside, children play ...
3. My grandfather says that farmers in the past worked ...
4. A sports car goes ...
5. A tourist travels ...
6. Mr. Thompson does his tasks ...
7. On Sunday, my children can get up ...
8. He drives ...
9. Jane speaks ...
10. than the Lion team.
11. than an ordinary car.
12. than a business person.
13. than Mr. Dylan.
14. than usual.
15. than farmers nowadays.
16. than her English is not very good.
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