havi | Chat Online
01/10/2024 20:27:24

Give the correct form of the words in brackets

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
VII. Give the correct form of the words in brackets

1. I usually turn on the English (TITLE) __________ so that I can understand the actors clearly.
2. I need to look for some __________ from the library for our presentation. (INFORM)
3. When you read books, __________ or websites, choose ones above your language level. (PAPER)
4. You should listen to English songs and watch English movies to improve your __________. (PRONOUNCE)
5. Some people find it challenging to work for __________ companies as they need to contact with foreign co-workers. (NATION)
6. I have to take the exam again because I was __________ last time. (SUCCESS)
7. I note down new words to remember them. That’s a __________ study method. (USE)
8. I improve my English by talking with __________. (FOREIGN)
9. Jenny can speak English and Japanese more __________ than her sister. (FLUENT)
10. Find books or websites on topics you like. Choose one __________ above your level to learn new words each time. (SLIGHT)
11. My city has an __________ airport so we can easily fly to different countries now. (NATION)
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