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09/10/2024 08:00:37

Complete the passage with words and prases from the box

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Nội dung trong bức ảnh:

**Key vocabulary**

1. **regard**
2. **voyage**
3. **account**
4. **combines**
5. **commentary**
6. **community**
7. **eventually**
8. **prove**

Many people 1 _______ Paul Theroux as one of the world’s best travel writers. *The Happy Isles of Oceania*, one of his classic travel books, is an 2 _______ of a long 3 _______ around the islands of the South Pacific. The book 4 _______ stories about the people he meets with a 5 _______ on how he feels from day to day. This is important, because he made the trip at a time in his life when he had a lot of personal problems. He wanted to 6 _______ to himself that he could get on with life, even when.
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