Hoàng Anh Tài | Chat Online
09/10/2024 13:05:22

Correct a mistake

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
V. Correct a mistake
1. She is boring with the silent surrounding because she used to live in a big city.
2. The Muong people are the ethnic minority who live in the mountainous regions of Vietnam.
3. There used to be a movie theater here but it closes a long time ago.
4. This house is more spacious as that white house I bought in Da Nang last year.
5. Do you mind to speak to John to ask him to help us.
6. In today’s world, teenagers rely in technology more than in the past.
7. They asked a lot of questions, checked their figures, and came up with a best solution.
8. She is very keen at drawing and she really wants to have her own gallery.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences.
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