Nguyệt Nguyên Y | Chat Online
11/10/2024 19:22:13

Điền từ thích hợp vào mỗi chỗ trống

answer be   continue   get   go   have   open
practise  put  ring  say  shine  sing  wake


                                                                                                    Amber's Big Match

One morning, Amber (1)      up early. The sun (2)     and the birds (3)    . Amber (4)     very excited because it was the  day of the big tennis match. Amber (5)     downstairs and into the kitchen, where her father (6)      breakfast. 'Morning, Amber. Today's the day!' he (7)     Amber smiled nervously. 'Don't worry!' he (8)      'You'll be fine.' Amber (9)     some toast into the toaster and (10)     the fridge. Just as she (11)      the butter out, the phone (12)      Her father (13)      it. After a few minutes, he put the phone down. Sad news, I'm afraid. The other player (14)       yesterday when she had an accident. The match is off.' Amber ate her toast slowly. She was surprised she didn't feel disappointed.


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