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13/10/2024 20:32:39


3 bạn nhanh nhất : đầy đủ công thức , bài làm =+ 1 tuss
 + 1 theo dõi 
+ 5 sao 


1.     She said; “How beautiful they are”

2. I said; “How fast he is running!”

3. He said; “What a lovely house!”

4. She said; “What beautiful flowers!”

5. She said to him; “Shall we eat out tonight?”

6. Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?

7. He said; “Cigarette”, I answer “No thanks”

8. She said to me; “Remember to lock the door before you go to bed”

9. She said; “Can I have some money; Mum?”

10. She said; “The earth moves around the sun”

11. Tom said; “I would rather you started today”

12. She said; “Could I have a cup of coffee”

13. “Would you mind waiting?” he said

14. “Would you like to drink coffee?” he said

15. Lan said; “You had better go to the doctor?”

16. Henry said; “Let’s not fuss about it”

17. They said; “We will wait for if you are late”

18. Peter said; “I wish I had something to eat”

19. My mother said; “If I were you, I should do nothing about it”

20. The coach said to them; “It’s high time we began training for our next match”

21. I said to her; “I wish you had seen it”

22. His mother said; “Don’t forget to thank Mrs Jones”

23. He said; “You might check these figures for me”

24. “Where shall we meet?” I said. “What about the hotel?” bill said

25. “You needn’t come in tomorrow”, said my employer. “Take the day off”

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