Khánh Linh | Chat Online
17/10/2024 13:29:51

Choose the best answer

Ex 1 : Choose the best answer
1.  Public big cities , such as parks and libraries, can make my life easier and more enjoyable.
A. transportation            B. vehicles               C. facilities            D. equipment
2. When my parents were young, they used to..................the buffaloes on the fields.
A. bring                         B. make                   C. move                  D. herd
3. In the end , the team in red pulled the rope just enough to win the.....................
A.spinning tops              B. tug of war             C. board game                D. handball
4. Children in the village love to play , such as hopscotch and hide - and - seek.
A. old                             B. ancient              C. folk                     D. public
5. Bảo often plays spinning tops ......................his friends after school.
A. with                          B. for                  C. in                      D. to
6. Many young people leave their study or work in big cities.
A. country                  B. apartment                  C. hometown                D. location
7. I......................rope because it is a fun and challenging way to get exercise.
A. like to jump              B. love playing              C. enjoy taking           D. prefer to step
Ex 2: Reorder words to make correct sentences.
1. to / you / listening / like / music? / Do
2. in / My / flowers / mother / the / planting / garden. /  loves 
3. swimming / the / parents / enjoy / My / in / sea./ really 
4. cycling / Do / fancy / now? / you
5. and / I / My / playing / adore / chess. / brother

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