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19/10/2024 19:52:14

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----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Nội dung trong ảnh:

"In spite of its many (1) ___, living in the city also brings lots of disadvantages. The first problem is that citizens have to deal with traffic congestions every day. This problem is even worse (2) ___ the rush hour when so many people run out to work and are stuck on streets for hours. Moreover, ambulance and fire engine sometimes can't get in time to complete duty, which makes a lot of serious loss. High cost of living is also a serious issue in the city, especially in metropolitan cities. More and more people find (3) ___ difficult to live on their modest salaries when prices are going up all the time. Financial pressure makes city dwellers become constantly stressed and tired. Another drawback of the city life is the (4) ___ air caused by exhaust emissions from millions of vehicles, construction dust and the lack of green trees. This negatively affects residents' health. (5) ___ people suffer from respiratory problems such as lung cancer, sore throat or asthma."
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