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19/10/2024 22:13:14

Fill each gap with a suitable word

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
X. Fill each gap with a suitable word
Linguists believe that early men used many gestures to communicate with (1) ___ another. This, it is thought, was man's first form of (2) ___ and the only one he had (3) ___ a long period of time. Even today we use some sign language: for example, we shake our (4) ___ to indicate yes or no, we point or we wave... The first spoken words may have been early man's attempt to (5) ___ the sounds made by animals. Then he may have developed sounds of his (6) ___. Gradually man may have repeated certain sounds so (7) ___ that they became familiar and understandable to others. Once spoken language had begun, perhaps man invented new (8) ___ as he needed them to express himself verbally (9) ___ to name new objects. In this way we can imagine language growing, (11) ___ using words, parents were able to teach them to their children. The children in turn probably made (12) ___ new words. Each generation, therefore, in the development of language, knew more words than the generation (13) ___. Language is still growing and changing. Can you think of some words you use today (14) ___ were not used by your grandparents (15) ___ they were children?
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