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20/10/2024 12:26:40

Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
X IX. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

These are my top two observations on how shopping has changed.
1. Shoppers know as much as salespeople
Then: People came into stores with little or (1) ______________ knowledge of the product and they relied on a salesperson to advise them on what to buy.
Now: (2) ______________ usually do their own research before shopping to get the most value out of every dollar they spend, and to feel secure about the items they are buying. Therefore, shoppers nowadays have more power to (3) ______________ want to buy. If salespeople try to give false information about products, they risk losing potential customers.

2. Opinions carry more weight than ever
Then: Information about products were mostly shared among friends and family, and word of mouth was a (4) ______________ force that transformed a new product into a must-have.
Now: With YouTube and social networks, people are now sharing their opinions about products not just with a group of friends, but with (5) ______________ of people. Their influence can make it easy for people to discuss and get to know more about a product. They affect people's decisions on whether to buy a product.

(Adapted from:

1. A. no
B. much
C. any
D. more

2. A. Salespeople
B. Shoppers
C. Producers
D. Retailers

3. A. say
B. sell
C. make
D. decide

4. A. personal
B. tiny
C. social
D. natural

5. A. lots of
B. millions
C. a amount
D. many
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