1. Choose the word choose the word a home medication part is pronounced differently from the others. A. routine B. burger C. sponge D. chocolate E. great
2. Choose the best answer: 1. I believe the day is… A. hot B. to book C. play D. get
2. At school, the children will get help… A. from the Youth’s Center B. take place C. announce D. learn
3. The air is healing … A. to listen B. the library C. before D. not
4. I’m sorry I can’t … A. I love B. fill C. seek D. try
5. Can you choose the interest… A. to bask B. 100 men C. 60 minutes D. in short
6. How long... A. 200 men B. you found C. look and see D. I can bake a month.
7. How are some, such as polite children… A. make them more acceptable. B. not have… C. believe D. to fly
8. Attention, please! The flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Need… A. 1 hour B. 60 minutes C. 100… D. to be 1200…