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22/10/2024 21:21:09

Viết lại câu hoàn chỉnh

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. / necessary/ us/ know/ our country/ history/.
2. Although/ the sky train/ Bangkok/ crowded/ rush hour/ it/ always/ on time.
3. They/ suggest/ carry/ a project/ which/ turn/ food waste/ energy.
4. They/ decided/ hang/ cinema/ instead/ a coffee shop.
5. The/ slow/ the Internet/ the/ angry/ the users/ get.
6. Downtown areas/ major cities/ New York/ loud/ busy/ almost/ 24 hours a day.
7. Now/ people/ borrow/ tons/ food each year.
8. They/ suggest/ city authorities/ improve/ security measures/ deal/ the rising crime rates.
9. The/ city/ be/ dusty/ so/ people/ easy/ get/ itchy eyes.
10. If/ you/ balance/ study/ social activities/ if/ you/ manage/ time/ well.
11. If/ you/ stressed/ you/ should/ talk/ counselor/ for/ advice.
12. Students/ might/ be/ more productive/ if/ you/ limit/ time/ social media/.
13. If/ parents/ spend/ quality time/ teens/ they/ can/ build/ stronger relationship/.
14. You/ get/ good job/ if/ you/ good/ English/ and/ IT.
15. Drink/ plenty/ water/ the/ body/ hydrated/ healthy.
16. Most/ the students/ think/ peer pressure/ challenging.
17. It/ respectful/ you/ ask/ permission/ before/ borrow/ something.

III. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. She doesn’t know how she can get to the art gallery. (TO)
2. In my village, the old artisans teach the younger ones the techniques to make beautiful baskets. (PASS)
3. The family tradition was to give the antique jewelry from generation to generation. (HAND)
4. “Where can we meet for the next practice session?” he asked the coach. (TO)
5. Can you tell me where I can find the nearest grocery store? (TO)
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