Nguyệt Nguyên Y | Chat Online
25/10/2024 21:12:56

Read the news report and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.The Maxi-Shop company is (0) going to build a huge new shopping centre on the edge of Millingham, it was announced yesterday

Read the news report and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

The Maxi-Shop company is (0) going to build a huge new shopping centre on the edge of Millingham, it was announced yesterday. There (1)  be at least three hundred shops, including some big department stores. When the project (2)  complete, there (3)  be hundreds of new jobs for local people. But not everyone is happy. 'We're (4)  to fight this plan,' said a spokesperson for the local Environment Group. 'Just think what is going (5)  happen to our countryside. When shopping malls (6)  covered the whole country, there (7)  be no green fields left. So we're (8)  a protest meeting tomorrow evening at the town hall. It (9)  at half past seven.'Owners of shops in the town centre are also unhappy. The new centre (10)  take our customers away,' said one of them.

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