Lan Phương | Chat Online
30/10/2024 21:02:51

Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one

Part VI.  Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. (1,25 points)

1. My brother’s taste in music and arts is not the same as mine.

     My brother’s taste in music and arts is_____________________________________________

2. Pop music is more popular than rock music in all over the world.

     Rock music is not_____________________________________________________________

3. What is the price of a kilo of this watermelon?

     How much__________________________________________________________________ ?

7. Learning to play a musical instrument is one of my interests.

     I’m interested________________________________________________________________

8. Be careful with the fast food or you will put on weight easily.

     If you are not________________________________________________________________

Part VII. Rearrange the phrases in the right order to make meaningful sentences. (1,25 points)

1. several/ The new museum/ big sculptures of/ people and animals/ has


2. healthy lifestyle/ includes/ A/ a nutritious diet/ and good personal hygiene/ having


3. is/ teachers and pupils/ good relationship/ between/ the school/ There/ at/ a


4. wasn’t/ Music history/ as/ as/ it has become/ over the years/ interesting


5. fruits and vegetables,/ If/ lots of/ you eat/ you/ drink/ need to/ much water/ may not



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