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31/10/2024 14:32:04

Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives or adverbs in brackets

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Bức ảnh chứa nội dung như sau:

IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives or adverbs in brackets.
1. The storm arrived at the village much (soon) __________ than we expected.
2. My cat is a better pet: she plays much (quiet) __________ than my big noisy dog.
3. Teens can (easy) __________ connect with those who share the same interests because it’s __________ (easy) to contact other people now than in the past.
4. Hoa did the embroidery (careful) __________ than sound.
5. After a course with a native teacher, Nam can speak English (good) __________ than before.
6. Chi is intelligent, but she needs to study (hard) __________ than her first semester to pass the examination.
7. Folding origami is very (enjoyable) __________ and helps me relieve stress after a long day at school.
8. To motivate kids __________ (effective), parents should choose suitable jigsaw images.
9. The train leaves at 7.15, so don’t arrive (late) __________ than 7.00.
10. Inexperienced workers do everything (careless) __________ than well-trained ones.
11. Please show me __________ (clear) how to cook this dish.
12. He performed even __________ (bad) than before.
13. It’s getting late. Can you run a bit __________ (quick) __________ when I run, sorry.
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