NguyenQuyen Quyen | Chat Online
31/10/2024 19:59:22

Use the words in Exercise 7

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Complete. Use the words in Exercise 7.
This is how to make my favorite dish. You need some 'rice paper' and some fish sauce. You cook chicken and garlic in a pot. Then you add mushrooms and bean sprouts. Put everything on the rice paper and eat them with the fish sauce. That's my favorite dish!

Write sentences with in, on, or at.
we / movie theater / Saturdays (sometimes)
We sometimes go to the movie theater on Saturdays.

I / get up / seven o'clock (always)
I always get up at seven o'clock.

she / basketball / Fridays (never)
She never plays basketball on Fridays.

he / snack / eleven o'clock (usually)
He usually has a snack at eleven o'clock.
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