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01/11/2024 18:57:12

Complete the sentences using could, couldn’t or managed to

B4 Complete the sentences using could, couldn’t or managed to.

1 My grandfather travelled a lot. He could speak five languages.

2 I looked everywhere for the book, but I couldn’t find it.

3 They didn’t want to come with us at first, but we managed to persuade them.

4 Jessica had hurt her foot and ----couldcouldn’tmanaged to    walk very well.

5 There was a small fire in the kitchen, but fortunately I ----couldcouldn'tmanaged to    put it out.

6 The walls were thin and I ----couldcouldn'tmanaged to  hear people talking in the next room.

7 I ran my first marathon recently. It was very hard, but I ----couldcouldn'tmanaged to  finish.

8 My grandmother loved music. She ----couldcouldn'tmanaged to  play the piano very well.

9 We wanted to go to the concert, but we ----couldcouldn’tmanaged to    get tickets.

10 A girl fell into the river, but some people ----couldcouldn'tmanaged to    pull her out. She’s all right now.

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