Nguyễn Huy | Chat Online
04/11/2024 18:40:46

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. Ann _ that she _ the visit.
A) thought / saw
B) is thinking / sees
C) have thought / had seen
D) would get / shall decide
E) decided / has known

2. As it _ dark we _ to go home.
A) gets / decided
B) had got / have decided
C) was getting / had decided
D) is getting / will decide
E) decided / has known

3. He _ looking at her, wondering where he _ her.
A) keeps / saw
B) keeps / seen
C) being kept / would see
D) had kept / had seen
E) thought / had seen

4. They _ to get married last month although they _ each other.
A) decided / know
B) knew / had known
C) is/ will be playing
D) was / were playing

5. When he _ to the station the train already _.
A) came / left
B) leaves / will play
C) had come / leaves
D) is / will be playing

6. "Will you play tennis?"
A) plays
B) played
C) will be played
D) will play
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