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04/11/2024 20:39:03

Fill in the blank

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Task 3
Debate clubs are valuable for developing students' communication and critical thinking (1) . In these clubs, children learn to voice their opinions clearly and persuasively. The (2) in such a club is friendly and supportive, where students practice respect and consideration for opposing views. Members work in pairs or teams to (3) ___ ideas, craft arguments, and present their case. Participating in these clubs helps students learn how to (4) ___ evidence and counter opposing viewpoints. They develop essential (5) ___ such as listening and analysis. Club mentors often serve as role (6) ___ who guide students and provide valuable feedback.
1. A. talents B. skills
2. A. vibe B. team
3. A. construct B. plan
4. A. gather B. give
5. A. traits B. tasks
6. A. mentors B. models
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