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05/11/2024 17:47:40

Choose the correct answer

Destination C1-C2
Units 11-12
1. We were walking through the woods when we ... a trap se by hunters.
A) came across B) dig up C) store up
D) throw out
2. It’s a huge risk, and we afford to ... or everything will go wrong.
A) throw up B) slip up C) chance upon
D) spring up
3. Don’t just ... those plastic bottles – we can recycle them.
A) throw out B) slip up
C) come across D) store up
4. Isn’t it amazing how squirrels ... nuts to make sure they have enough to eat in the
A) chance upon B) throw up
C) spring up D) store up
5. The new law has ... a number of problems for farmers that weren’t expected.
A) throw out B) slip up C) dig up
D) throw up
6. As I was flicking through the magazine, I ... an article about the local nature
A) sprang up B) dug up C) stored up
D) chanced up
7. According to the evidence that has been ..., people have been farming this area for
over a 1,000 years.
A) dug up B) came across
C) slipped up D) threw out
8. Organisations concerned about the environment seem to have ... everywhere these
A) stored up B) chanced upon
C) sprung up D) thrown up
9. It’s a million to one against you being struck ... lightning.
A) at B) in C) on D) by
10. We got caught ... the rain so we were completely soaked when we got home.
A) at B) in C) on D) by
11. Many people only manage to give up gambling ... dint of a lot of hard work.
A) at B) in C) on D) by
12. A sudden gust ... wind blew the letter out of my hand.
A) with B) in C) of D) from
13. I can’t believe you bet your car ... the toss of a coin!
A) at B) in C) on D) by
14. – I feel sorry for Mrs Shepherd.
- Yes, she does seem to have been rather ... lately, doesn’t she?
A) touch wood B) had green fingers
C) out of the blue
D) down on her luck
15. – I’m sure Carol will get over the divorce eventually.
- Yes, I think we should just ... and see what happens.


A) let nature take its course
B) touch wood
C) act of God D) come rain and shine
16. – I couldn’t believe it when I saw him.
- It must have been a real shock when he turned up .. after all these years.
A) draw the short straw
B) out of the blue
C) the luck of the draw
D) have given fingers
17. – Does Dave still go to the football every week?
- Oh, yes. You know him. He’s there ...
A) come rain or shine B) touch wood
C) out of the blue D) down on your luck
18. – How come the company chose you to go to New York?
- I don’t know. It was just ... , I guess.
A) have green fingers B) touch wood
C) draw the short straw
D) the luck of the draw
19. – Why wasn’t here any warning before the floods?
- Well, it’s not easy to predict that kind of ..., is it?
A) draw the short straw B) act of God
C) no rhyme or reason
D) let nature take its course
20. – I don’t understand Harry’s decision.
- Me neither. There seems to be ... to it.
A) down on her luck B) out of the blue
C) no rhyme no reason
D) had green fingers
21. – Who’s babysitting tomorrow night?
- Well, I ... , so I’m staying in while the others go out.
A) drew the short straw B) act of God
C) had green fingers
D) down on her luck
22. – I’m so looking forward to the wedding this weekend.
- The weather should be good, ...
A) out of the blue
B) no rhyme or reason
C) drew the short straw D) touch wood
23. - I love your garden!
- Thanks. Yes, I suppose I’ve always ...
A) down on her luck
B) had green fingers
C) let nature take its course
D) act of God
24. The chances against this kind of unusual ... are very high.
A) occur B) occurrence C) recur
D) recurrent
25. I’m not convinced that there’s a ... link between pollution and global warming.
A) because B) cause C) causal
D) causative
26. We knew that getting between the whale and the ship was ..., but it was the only
way to stop them hunting.
A) risky B) risk
27. What’s your ... of the situation?

A) assess B) assessor C) assessed D) assessment
28. We have to wait for ... conditions to launch to boat.
A) favour B) favourable C) favourably
D) favouritism
29. We ... on the beach now If we hadn’t missed the plane.
A) might have lain B) would lie
C) could be lying D) would have lain
30.It would have been a great journey, ... we not got lost along the way.
A) had B) would C) should D) might
31. If you ... happen to bump into James, ask him to call me, would you?
A) would B) should C) had D) will
32. We should take out tent with us ... we can’t find rooms to stay in.
A) if B) but for C) unless D in case
33. ... we pay the electricity bill soon, they might cut us off.
A) Unless B) Otherwise C) If
D) In case
34. It would have been a boring film ... the action scenes, which were excellent.
A) unless B) if not C) but for
D) otherwise
35. We’ll hire a car when we get there, ... it’s not too expensive.
A) supposing B) in case of C) but for
D) providing
36. If you had been more careful, you wouldn’t ... an accident.
A) have B) had C) have had
D) haven’t had
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