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09/11/2024 06:02:00

Complete the second sentence so that it has meaning similar to the first one

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Exercise W6. Complete the second sentence so that it has meaning similar to the first one.
1. I’m sorry I can’t speak English perfectly. (wish)
I wish I can speak English perfectly.
2. Walking among the green trees gave Liz pleasure. (enjoyed)
Liz enjoyed walking among the green trees.
3. Peter is fourteen years old. Van is fourteen years old. (age)
Peter is the same age as Van.
4. It’s a pity the weather isn't better today. (only)
If only the weather were better today.
5. Is smoking permitted in the art gallery? (allowed)
Are people allowed to smoke in the art gallery?
6. The fire destroyed the school completely. (by)
The school was completely destroyed by the fire.
7. They will give me a prize if I can learn this. (be)
I will be given a prize if I can learn this.
8. Perhaps someone will find a cure for this disease one day. (found)
Perhaps a cure for this disease will be found one day.
9. Will they find an easier way to learn English one day, too? (be)
Will an easier way to learn English be found one day, too?
10. Someone has told me you could learn English in your sleep. (been)
I have been told you could learn English in your sleep.
11. People speak English all over the world. (is)
English is spoken all over the world.
12. Someone is repairing my bicycle at the moment. (repaired)
My bicycle is being repaired at the moment.
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