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11/11/2024 18:35:45

Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1.     A. near                                           B. learn                                  C. dear                                   D. clear

2.     A. knocked                                   B. needed                              C. founded                           D. wanted

3.     A. volunteer                                  B. collage                              C. community                      D. doctor

4.     A. provide                                     B. individual                         C. situation                           D. children

5.     A. tutor                                          B. student                             C. university                         D. discuss

6.     A. cough                                        B. laugh                                 C. enough                             D. high

7.     A. collect                                       B. clean                                 C. city                                    D. cracker

8.     A. blanket                                     B. donate                              C. calorie                               D. allergy

9. A. laugh                                            B. cough                                C. bought                              D. tough

10. A. game                                          B. gym                   C. girl                                     D. bag

11. A. calorie                        B. labour                               C. community      D. volunteer

12. A. environmental          B. benefit                              C. service                              D. sick

13. A. danced                       B. helped                               C. watched                           D. enjoyed

14. A. architect                    B. church                              C. children                            D. armchair

15. A. general                       B. garden                              C. go                                      D. get

16. A. cancel                        B. ceiling                               C. calling                               D. cupboard

17. A. calories                      B. carve                 C. collage                              D. center

18. A. unique                        B. mosquito                          C. mosque                            D. question

19. A. camping                    B. recycle                              C. vacumm                          D. community

20. A. giant                                           B. target                C. figure                D. garbage

21. A. chemist                      B. school                               C. chance                              D. chaos

22. A. frog                                             B. drag                   C. page                  D. mug

23. A. kite                                             B. cookie                               C. hike                   D. knit

24. A. volunteer                                   B. committee                       C. guarantee                         D. degree

25. A. chemistry                                  B. chemical                          C. charity                              D. mechanic

26. A. architect                                    B. church                              C. childhood                         D. change

27. A. collage                                       B. cave                                  C. cycle                                 D. cancel

28. A. child                                           B. provide                             C. mind                                 D. think

29. A. blanket                      B. calorie                               C. donate                              D. allergy

30. A. help                                            B. benefit                              C. elderly                               D. garden

31. A. volunteer                   B. collage                              C. community      D. doctor

32. A. provide                      B. individual         C. situation                           D. children

33. A. tutor                                           B. student                             C. university         D. discuss

34. A. butter                                         B. put                                     C. sugar                 D. push

35. A. few                                             B. new                   C. threw                 D. knew

36. A. pretty                                         B. get                                     C. send                  D. well

37. A. grew                                            B. threw                 C. knew                 D. flew

38. A. close                                           B. chose                C. lose                    D. rose

39. A. cough                         B. laugh                 C. enough                             D. high

40. A. are                                              B. fair                                    C. there                  D. wear

41. A. reliable                       B. living                 C. revival                              D. final

42. A. hate                                            B. play                   C. nation                               D. international

43. A. bead                                           B. read                   C. dead                  D. recede

44. A. nature                        B. change                              C. gravity                              D. basis

45. A. discipline                   B. vision                                C. cylinder                            D. muscle

46. A. office                                         B. promise                            C. service                              D. expertise

47. A. suitable                      B. biscuit                               C. guilty                 D. building

48. A. however                     B. vehicle             C. helicopter       D. ahead

49. A. wished                        B. produced                          C. performed        D. liked

50. A. many                        B. parade                               C. great                 D. gravy

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