Nguyễn Mai | Chat Online
11/11/2024 23:15:40

Make up sentences using the words and phrases given

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
II. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
E.g. Which group has largest number of people in Viet Nam?
1. some group, like the Tay, Hmong, Dao live mostly in mountainous regions north.
2. "ethnic minority peoples" speak/own languages/have/own life/customs and traditions.
3. our country/government always/take care/people's life/especially the ethnic groups!
4. the Muong/Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa well-known/their rich folk literature/traditional songs!
5. many ethnic minority children/in remote or mountainous areas/studying/at boarding schools!
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