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14/11/2024 12:46:42

Read about four people below. Then answer the questions (a-i). More than one answer may be possible

A. Read about four people below. Then answer the questions (a-i). More than one answer may be possible.
1. Bob has been on the dole since he was made redundant last year. He scans the Situations Vacant columns
hopefully every week. He was a foreman at a factory until the board decided to make cutbacks because of falling
profits. Bob is just one of thousands of employees who have been laid off in the manufacturing sector recently.
2. Jenny is a freelance journalist so she doesn't have a permanent contract with a single employer. She values her
freedom and is not interested in climbing the career ladder.
Tim recently finished his apprenticeship and has just been taken on as a junior stylist at a central hairdressing
salon. He took the post because it offers good long-term prospects.
4. Alison is a senior executive at an advertising agency. She delegates routine tasks such as paperwork to her PA
but she still works overtime on a regular basis in order to cope with her workload. She receives a generous salary
and her perks include a company car and private health insurance.
Who ...
b. has an assistant?
a. puts in long hours?
is looking for a job?
receives unemployment benefit?
g. used to supervise others?
h. receives extra benefits in addition to pay?
d. seems ambitious?
e. is inexperienced?
works for different companies?
B. Read the following letters. Find words or phrases for the definitions below.
To whom it may concern,
Diana Cole has been working for Trusty Catering
Services PLC since January 2001. She was
initially employed as a clerical assistant, but was
promoted to office manager in June 2002. Her
duties include all aspects of office administration
and her organisational abilities have resulted in a
dramatic increase in office efficiency. Her people
skills are highly developed and she is popular
with her colleagues. She has shown herself to be
hardworking and trustworthy, and has risen to
the challenge of a managerial position admirably.
Ms Cole will be missed at Trusty Catering, but we
realise that she will be better able to further her
career in a larger organisation.
Paul McBain
Human Resources Manager
Dear Sharon,
you still job hunting? Well, the firm I work
for is going to need someone to help out in the
marketing department for a few months to cover
for a woman who'll be on maternity leave. It will
only be a short term contract, but they might
keep you on if they like you. The salary isn't
bad you'd earn a bit more than you get now. If
you're interested, send your CV to the personnel
manager (her name's Janice Wilcox). I can have
a word with her too - I'll tell her what an asset
you'd be to the company!
Let me know if
you decide to apply.
1. tasks which are part of your job
organisation / management
3. other members of staff
4. get ahead
2. time taken off work while having a baby
3. temporary
4. pay
manager in charge of personnel
document giving details of your educational and
professional background
6. useful and valuable person
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