rosabella | Chat Online
17/11/2024 14:37:05

Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
VII. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. (10 pts)

1. How many times you (be) to London this year? ➜ ____
2. The two girls (play) chess over there are my classmates. ➜ ____
3. We must take an umbrella. It (rain). ➜ ____
4. The guests (arrive) while I (still / cook). ➜ ____
5. The rice-cooking festival (hold) every two years. ➜ ____

6. I often (climb) trees when I was a little girl. ➜ ____
7. Two miles (be) enough for her to go jogging every morning. ➜ ____
8. I’m very bored. My mother always (complain) about her housework. ➜ ____
9. Fred would like (admit) to the college. ➜ ____
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