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19/11/2024 16:39:39

Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Exercise V15: Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.
1. The earthquake had a effect on the small village. (DISASTER)
2. The family visited the town and attended the parade. (ROYALTY)
3. Her to practicing every day helped her improve her piano skills. (DEDICATE)
4. Each student's to the group project was important for its success. (CONTRIBUTE)
5. The school decided to the tests to ensure fairness for all students. (STANDARD)
6. The of the math problem made it challenging to solve. (COMPLEX)
7. The of the new discovery was discussed in the science class. (SIGNIFICANT)
8. The museum had many artifacts from ancient civilizations. (HISTORY)
9. They a hidden trail in the forest while hiking yesterday. (DISCOVERY)
10. She worked hard and earned a at her part-time job. (PROMOTE)
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