Thaovykobuon | Chat Online
23/11/2024 19:42:15

Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box

IV.Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box.
A .We should have as many volunteers as possible.
B .That's a good idea.
C .Let's put 30 students.
D. How about planting trees
along the beach?
E. How about we plant pine trees?
Martin: Hey, guys. Do you have any ideas for our next volunteering event?
Annie:Well, I think we should help the stray animals.
Martin: 1)                                .We can encourage other students to do the activity, too.
Annie: But the 3R team is planning to do so. We should have a different idea.
Annie:I love this idea. What should we do first?
Martin:We should decide what trees to plant. 3)
Annie :Yeah. I know where to buy good pine trees.
Martin: Okay. How many volunteers are joining us?
Annie:There are a lot of trees to plant. 4).
Martin Right! 5)
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