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24/11/2024 08:02:35

Reorder the words to make correct sentences


Exercise 1. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

1. is / famous / Which / spaghetti? I for / country


2. the / traditional / find / You / in / lifestyle / interesting. / Alaska / might


3. I / weak / points. / online / think / has / some I learning


4. changing / and / way / working? / learning / our / Is / technology / of


5. go / will / sledding / tomorrow. / We / dog


6. camping / They / rain. / go / doesn’t / it / if / will


7. not / lessons / offline / are / as / interesting / Online / ones. / as


8. It’s / maintain / traditional / their / lifestyles. / villages / for / to / difficult / some


9. well-known / fish / and / for / is / England / chips.


10. you / don’t / late / you / will / up, / meeting. / be / If / the / hurry / for


Exercise 2. Rewrite these following sentences using the first conditional.

1. We’ll have pizza for lunch. We’ll be hungry.

à If__

2. I won't know her phone number. I won’t be able to call her.

à Unless__

3. John will be at work. He won’t go with US to Chau An Village.

à If__

4. He won’t like the decorations. He can send them back to the shop.

à If__

5. We won’t wait for you. We won’t have enough time.

à If__

6. I will attend an online class. I won’t have to spend time commuting.

à If__

7. Take up this course. You will like it.

à If __

8. Don’t tell your parents. They will be very disappointed.

à Unless__

9. Don’t overthink, and you will feel more relaxed.

à You__


10. We’ll set off early tomorrow. The weather will be good.

à We__

Exercise 3. Rewrite these following sentences based on the given words.

1. Eat an apple every day, and you will be healthier. (If)


2. Don’t spend too much time on the computer, or you will have sore eyes. (Unless)


3. Unless you study harder, you will fail the upcoming exam. (if)


4. If you don’t go to bed early, you will be tired tomorrow. (Unless)


5. Italy is famous for pasta and pizza. (popular)


6. My friends want to go to offline class because online learning doesn’t work for them. (so)


7. James finds it hard to concentrate when learning online. (thinks)


8. Modern technology has negative effects on our lifestyles. (affects)


9. My mother always keeps the house neat and tidy. (habit)


10. People in Japan usually greet each other by bowing. (when)



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