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24/11/2024 17:25:13

Fill in the blanks

giải bài tập giải hết mới cho 5 sao
----- Nội dung ảnh -----
36. The President agreed the Agreement
A. to sign B. sign C. signing D. to have signed

37. The captain chose with his ship.
A. die B. to die C. to have died D. dying

38. Brazil failed World cup 1998.
A. winning B. win C. to win D. to have won

Simple Past:
1. She (spend) ___ all her money last week.
2. Mum (not spend) any money on herself.
3. I (lend) my penknife to someone, but I can't remember who it was now.
4. John and his father (build) the cabin themselves last year.
5. My parents (sell) the stereo at a garage sale.
6. You (tell) anyone about this yesterday?
7. The unidentified plant (bear) gorgeous flowers.
8. She (tear) the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.
9. He often (wear) glasses for reading.
10. Before God He (swear) he was innocent.
11. Yesterday Clouds (creep) across the horizon, just above the line of trees.
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