Tien Phunng | Chat Online
24/11/2024 20:00:11

Label the picture

     Complete each of the sentences below with the correct form of a word or a phrase in Ex1
1. The society was set up to .................... endangered species from enxtinction. 
2. This lovely island attracts a lot of ......... all over the world every summer.
3. Our two countries work together in fighting the .......... on terrorism.
4. A.......... is a building used for religious worship, especially in religions other than christianity.
5. The tradition of ancestor ................ stretches back thousands of years.
6. The earthquake caused ................... to properly estimated at nearly eight billion dollars.
----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. communal house
2. community
3. worship
4. heritage
5. preserve
6. career
7. tourist
8. monument
9. temple
10. war
11. performance
12. damage
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