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25/11/2024 20:40:17

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. Walking on the beach brought back a sense of carefree summers.
A. by bus
B. riding a horse
C. barefoot
D. by bicycle

2. Respect for elders is a value in our culture.
A. giving
B. deep-rooted
C. customary
D. popular

3. We are proud of our rich cultural .
A. heritage
B. traditional
C. customary
D. traditions

4. Each passes down stories and traditions to the next.
A. country
B. ancestor
C. generation
D. ancestor-worship

5. Many are passed down through generations.
A. dishes
B. street food
C. drinks
D. traditions

6. We explored the flavors of the local during our travels.
A. breakfast
B. sausage
C. cuisine
D. meal

7. The of historical sites allows us to connect with our ancestors.
A. safety
B. preservation
C. storage
D. conservation

8. The ceremonies transported me back to my childhood.
A. believing
B. religion
C. religious
D. supernatural

9. The architecture of the cathedral left me in awe.
A. efficient
B. magnificent
C. excellent
D. significant

Exercise 8: Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
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