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27/11/2024 13:20:17

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage

III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (5 points)
What is it?
Can you think of a day without music? "Oh, that's not possible!" you may say. Yes, you are
right. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in parks, at the seaside and even
in the forest. But in the forest, of
it is better to listen to birds (72).
wind in the trees. People cannot live (73)
dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.
and other natural sounds like the
music. They listen to music, they
Musical education at school is very important. There is special literature for music teachers
and for all people who are (74) in it.
But what is music?
Specialists explain it very well, and we can understand everything, especially if music is
performed to illustrate their talks. Music isn't a combination of pleasant sounds only. It is an art
that (75)
life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions.
hoose the best answer (A. B. C. or D). (5 points)
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