Girl chăm chỉ | Chat Online
28/11/2024 18:11:37

Hoàn thành các câu sau

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. Mum has added some ……….. to this soup.
2. I will have a slice of ……….. for dessert.
3. What do you want for breakfast? I’d like to have ……….. with bread for breakfast.
4. Do you want to have some snacks? Yes, please. Let’s have some toasted ………..
5. What would you like for drink? …..., juice, or coffee?
6. My favourite kind of fast food is ……………
7. To make ………….. biscuits, you need to mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, butter, and milk together.
8. For holidays like Christmas, he usually …………. some biscuits to send to my family and friends.
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