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15/12/2024 15:09:17

Read the passage and answer the questions below (1.25 pt). Hi! I'm John Brown, a school counselor. In my opinion, these days many teenagers feel stressed. At school, they have a lot of things to study, and they often have tests. Many students attend extra classes after school, too. When they get home, they have lots of homework to do. When they finish their homework, they have to help their parents with chores. This means that many young people don't have much time to relax, so they find it ...

Read the passage and answer the questions below (1.25 pt).

Hi! I'm John Brown, a school counselor. In my opinion, these days many teenagers feel stressed. At school, they have a lot of things to study, and they often have tests. Many students attend extra classes after school, too. When they get home, they have lots of homework to do. When they finish their homework, they have to help their parents with chores. This means that many young people don't have much time to relax, so they find it difficult to sleep or focus on their school work.

I have some ideas about how to help teenagers with this problem. I think that schools should have yoga classes. Special children's classes are devised to help them to cope with pressures they feel from their schoolwork. I also think that parents should give their children some time to relax after school.

I really believe that if more young people do yoga and relax, they will be less stressed.


1. What do many students attend after school?

2. What do students have to do after they finish their homework?

3. What does the writer say about the effects of not having time to relax?

4. Why does the writer think that schools should have yoga classes?

5. Does the writer think that parents should give their children time to relax after school?

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