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27/12/2024 20:46:43

Do as directed:

Do as directed:

1. I started working at this hotel six month ago. (Rewrite, use the present perfect)

2. Susan has been in Italy for the last three weeks. (Rewrite, use went)

3. How long have you lived here? (Complete the second sentence)


4. I don't have a laptop to do the project with my friends. (Complete the secondsentence)

I wish......

5. It's a pity John can't come to my birthday party this weekend. (Rewrite, use a wish sentence

6. The metro system/ Ho Chi Minh City/ not/ officially/operate/ yet. (Sentence building)

7. Don't forget to bring your passport for the trip. (Rewrite, use remember)

8. While/I/ go shopping/ yesterday/ I/ meet/ old friend/ mine. (Sentence building)

9. I will pass the entrance exam. I will study hard. (Combine, use condition type 1)

10.Mark finally succeeded in persuading his parents to accept his career choice.(managed)

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