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06/01 12:11:16

Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D

VIII. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Coral reef facts
When you look at a coral reef, you might think that you are seeing a group of colourful rocks. But corals
are actually (1)
creatures. Coral reefs mostly grow in shallow, clean ocean waters on
either side of the Equator, because they need sunlight and warm temperatures to survive. The Great Barrier
Reef is the (2)
reef system on Earth. You can even see it from space!
such as giant clams, sea turtles, and
Lots of sea creatures call coral reefs their (3)
cuttlefish. The reefs provide them with everything they need, including food and shelter. Plants also live
on reefs. For example, algae live inside soft coral, using sunlight to provide food and help the coral grow.
coral reefs are endangered. The biggest threats to them are pollution from oil spills,
makes the water warmer and more
damage from ships and boats, and climate change, (5)
acidic. Many people are working hard to clean up the pollution on land and in the sea to save coral reefs.
B. life
B. smallest
1. A. live
2. A. largest
B. home
C. living
(Adapted from: https://www.natgeokids.com)
C. narrowest
D. lively
D. earliest
C. accommodation
D. shelter
C. Moreover
D. However
C. where
D. which
3. A. house
4. A. But
5. A. what
B. Although
B. who
d complete each sentence with no more than TWO words and / or a numbe
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