Nguyệt Nguyên Y | Chat Online
10/01 17:24:31

Rewrite the first sentence as a news report using present simple passive + infinitive

Câu 4(0/5):


Rewrite the first sentence as a news report using present simple passive + infinitive.

1) Lots of people believe the criminal is living abroad.

The criminal is believed to be living abroad.

2) Economists suppose that inflation will fall next year.

Inflation  next year.

3) Everyone expects that Arsenal will win the League.

Arsenal  the League.

4) People think the Government is planning a new airport.

The Government  a new airport.

5) They say he is making a new movie about the Civil War.

He  a new movie about the Civil War.

6) Journalists report that the Finance Minister disagrees with the President. 

The Finance Minister  with the President.

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