Nguyễn Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
15/01 20:52:19

B. READING (2.5pts) I. Read the text and then write T (True) or F (False) to the statements happy TV taught birthday with stitches My grandma and I share a pastime: knitting. She (13)…….. me how to knit when I was ten years old. In the evening, we both sit in front of the (14)…… and knit. Now I can knit scarves, hats, and even sweaters. I remember last year I had to find a (15)…….. present for my dad. Then I thought of knitting a sweater for ...

B. READING (2.5pts)

I. Read the text and then write T (True) or F (False) to the statements







My grandma and I share a pastime: knitting. She (13)…….. me how to knit when I was ten years old. In the evening, we both sit in front of the (14)…… and knit. Now I can knit scarves, hats, and even sweaters. I remember last year I had to find a (15)…….. present for my dad. Then I thought of knitting a sweater for him. I searched the Internet for a day, and finally I found the pattern that came with a YouTube video showing me how to make a sweater. It took me a week to finish it.

Dad was so(16)……. with the present and said it was his favourite sweater. The best thing about knitting is that it makes you be more careful and patient. Sometimes you drop (17)…….. or hold the wool too tight, so you need to continually practise. My grandma says knitting is magical because you can create anything you want (18)…… just wool and a pair of needles. I love knitting.

She (13)…….. me how to knit when I was ten years old.
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