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18/02 12:20:47

Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D

For structured online courses, check out Coursera and Khan Academy, selecting those with positive reviews
and clear explanations covering grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills.
To immerse yourself, read reputable newspapers like The New York Times or The Guardian. Engage with
English podcasts or YouTube channels on your favourite topics. Connect with native speakers on language
exchange platforms like Tandem or Helio Talk for speaking practice.
Explore quality literature at your skill level and gradually progress. Join book clubs or online reading
communities for discussions, gaining diverse perspectives. Tap into online forums like Reddit for advice
and recommendations from fellow learners.
Consistency is vital. Dedicate daily time to English activities - whether reading, watching videos, or using
apps - for steady progress. Celebrate small victories, and you'll find improving your English to be an
achievable and rewarding journey.
1. What is the best title for the text?
A. How to find high-quality resources to quickly improve your English
B. How to use different English learning websites
C. How to boost your English skills
D. Tips on improving your English
D. App users
D. international
2. What does the word They in line 2 refer to?
A. Explorations B. Language learning apps C. Lessons
3. What does the word reputable probably mean?
A. reliable
B. unusual
C. infamous
4. What is not mentioned as a way to improve English skills?
A. Reading newspapers
C. Using online exchange platforms
B. Watching YouTube
D. Doing online English exercises
5. What should learners do to keep a steady learning progress?
A. Watch, learn and use English daily
B. Spend time with foreign speakers
C. Celebrate small victories D. Go on online platforms and communicate with English speakers
XI. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to completo each of
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