dore mon | Chat Online
15/09/2019 11:22:09

Viết lại các câu sau giữ nguyên ý nghĩa: I couldn't hear tham because they were speaking too softly

viết lại các câu sau giữ nguyên ý nghĩa
1. I  couldn't hear tham because they were speaking too softly.
=>they were speaking..............
2. the bread is so tale we can't eat it.
=>the bread isn't...............
3. who does this bag belong to ?
4. the trains couldn't run because ò the snow
=the snow prevented......................
5. I didn't arrive in time to see him.
=>I wasn't early...................
6.barbara í the best tennis-played in the club.
=>I wasn't early...............
7. I haven't seen that man here before
=>no one....................
8.the robbers mdae the bank manager hand over on the money
=>the bank manager..................
9. tom leaened to drive when he was nineteen
=>tom has.......................
10.she had never bên so unhappy before.
=> she was unhappy.....................
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