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27/09/2019 22:05:33

Give the correct form of the word in the bracket

Give the correct form of the word in the bracket. (1.0 point)

1. She is ......................... in her job, so she is  very rich.                                           (SUCCESS)

2. In a few years’ time, our houses will be ......................... by  solar energy.          (HOT)

3 ......................... are now very interested in  tidal power.                                      (SCIENCE)

4. She ......................... disagreed with what   we said.                                              (VIOLENT)

Use the correct from of the verb given in each bracket
1. He used to(take)......bus to the park by his father
2.The man(talk) John over therere is my teacher of English
3. I'd rather you(not,smoke)......hêre
4. She wishes she(can)...speak English fluently
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