27/08/2017 19:33:06

Read the passage and fill each blank with a suitable word. One of the greatest pleasure of any visitor to Hoi An is strolling along the beautiful of the many magical streets of the old town at night in the flickering ... of many magical lanterns.

I. Read the passage and fill each blank with a suitable word.
One of the greatest pleasure of any visitor to Hoi An is strolling along the beautiful of the many magical streets of the old town at night in the flickering (1)_____ of many magical lanterns. These colourful lanterns are the symbol of Hoi An, a part of the spirit of the old town
In Hoi Anlantern making is the (2)_____ traditional and well-known culture of the town .Everyone in Hoi An knowns how to make lanterns. It is therefore a great chance for you to learn the way to (3)____some of these.The best place to go is Hoi An's beautiful lantern night market. Here you can see lanterns of shapes and (4)____ made of fabrics and colours, and there are dozen of artisans to handpaint them with Chinese blossoms, long-life symbolsand anything! Then, you may also be shown (5)___to decorate and make your own lantern, and you can keep it as a souvenir.

II. Rewrite sentences, using question words to-infinitives the following
1. Do you understand what you are to do now?
2. You have to tell me when I should press the button.
3. can't decide whether Ishould wear the red dress or the black one to the party.
4. asked the teacher to tell me how I could improve my pronunciation.
5. Can you show me where can get tickets for the show?

III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. Despite the heavy snow, the explorers managed to walk ​to the village.
2. Duong has good relationship with his neighbours. Duong gets
3. "You've passed your driving test, Ron! Well done!" said Carol.
4. Did you find my passport when you were tidying my room, Mum?
Did you come
5. This was one of the most powerful earthquakes ever.
No other earthquake was
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