tiểu yêu l.a | Chat Online
23/10/2019 21:01:22

Dịch đoạn hội thoại: what an awful day! you must be child, lan

ai dich giup ik thanks nhỉu
hoa: what an awful đay ! you must be cild , lan. come in and have a seat . that arnchair is comfortable.
la: thanks. what a lovely livingroom !
where are your uncle and aunt?
hoa: my uncle is at work and my aunt is shopping . would you like some tea?
lan: no, thanks . i'm fine 
hoa: ok.come and see my room .
lanwhat a bright room !
and what nice colors ! pink and white.
pink is my favorite color.
can i see the rest of the house?
hoa: of course
hoa: this ts the bathroom.
la: what a beautiful bathroom !
it has a sink , a tub and a shower .
hoa: yes . it's very modem .
now come and look at the kitchen . you'll love it
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