Mate each word la its meaning: WORD - MEANING: A. acommunity of people smaller than a town community; B. a small house in the country; C. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area; D. a steep descent of the water of a river
Mate each word la its meaning
1. forest
2. stream
3. village
4. lake
5. cottage
6. fied
7. waterfall
8. hay.
9. pasture
10. cattel
A. acommunity of people smaller than a town community
B. a small house in the country
C. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
D. a steep descent ot the water of a river
E. domesticated bovine animals such as cows.buttaloes
F. grass mowed and cured for use as fodder
G. apiece of land cleared of trees and usual wendosed
H. land covered with grass and other ow plants sultable fo hay pasture animals
I. a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land
J. a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
2. Complete the sentences with a suitable compa torm ol the werdsprwided
1. Towns are ____-than villages (big)
2. A sofa is _____than a chair (comfortable)
3. Does an ox run _____-than a horse? (slow)
4. Laura sings _____than her sister (good)
5. My house is______ from the river than Nams house (far)
6. Minh plays the flute______ than Quang (bad)
7. Traffic in the city is always _____than that in the countrysise (busy)
8. This year the famers work _______ than they did lát year (hard)
9. Vllages are ____than towns (quiet)
10. l think people in this area live ______han those in other areas (happy)