Ẩn danh
06/11/2019 09:23:29

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice: I will have my brother repair the motorbike for me. I remember my father talking me to the zoo on Sundays

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. ( Mn giải thích rõ giúp mình với, ví dụ câu đó sử dụng công thức gì? E cảm ơn mn nhiều!)
1) I will have my brother repair the motorbike for me.
2) I remember my father talking me to the zoo on Sundays.
3) I don't want people to tell me what to do.
4) What caused the accident?
5) Who broke that valuable vase of his?
6) They saw the burglar climbing up to the top window of the house.
7) The police made the naughty boy tell the whole truth about the vandalism.
8) The finally let the poor little girl go.
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